
MN Group

What is the IQAS Canada?


IQAS stands for the International Qualifications Assessment Service. It is an organization based in Alberta, Canada, that provides educational credential assessment services for individuals who have completed their education outside of Canada and are seeking employment or further education in Alberta.

IQAS assesses the educational credentials earned outside of Canada and determines their equivalency to Canadian educational standards. The assessment is often required for purposes such as employment, professional licensing, or admission to post-secondary education institutions in Alberta.

IQAS evaluates various documents, including academic transcripts, diplomas, degrees, and other relevant certificates. They assess the authenticity, content, and level of education achieved in comparison to Canadian standards. IQAS issues an official report outlining the findings and recommendations upon completion of the assessment.

It’s important to note that IQAS specifically evaluates educational credentials for Alberta, and each Canadian province has its own designated organization for credential evaluation.

You can contact MN Group for a successful application and get your ECA faster.


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